In Robbie’s latest blog post on The Times of Israel, he explores how civility can be redefined in a time of deep disagreement, drawing inspiration from Teresa Bejan's Mere Civility. The post examines the frameworks of Civil Silence, Civil Charity, and Mere Civility, and asks where your community stands when it comes to disagreements about Israel. Are you relying on silence? Holding onto fragile consensus? Or learning to engage fully in disagreement while maintaining connection?
In Robbie’s latest blog post on The Times of Israel, he explores how civility can be redefined in a time of deep disagreement, drawing inspiration from Teresa Bejan's Mere Civility. The post examines the frameworks of Civil Silence, Civil Charity, and Mere Civility, and asks where your community stands when it comes to disagreements about Israel. Are you relying on silence? Holding onto fragile consensus? Or learning to engage fully in disagreement while maintaining connection?
Are our emotions driven by external experiences, or does our internal world shape how we perceive them? As Tisha B’Av approaches, Robbie reflects on this interplay through Jewish rituals of mourning and our work on healthy arguments.
Are our emotions driven by external experiences, or does our internal world shape how we perceive them? As Tisha B’Av approaches, Robbie reflects on this interplay through Jewish rituals of mourning and our work on healthy arguments.
This year, Jewish summer camps in the U.S. are hosting a record number of Israeli counselors. The war will inevitably come up in conversations between counselors and with campers. In this piece, Robbie shares insights from our work with American and Israeli camps, offering tools to navigate these discussions about the war.
This year, Jewish summer camps in the U.S. are hosting a record number of Israeli counselors. The war will inevitably come up in conversations between counselors and with campers. In this piece, Robbie shares insights from our work with American and Israeli camps, offering tools to navigate these discussions about the war.
On this special night, do we engage in the most pressing disagreements between us, or do we decide to focus on family time and the Pesach story? Robbie and Abi share three thoughts and practices to keep our seders in balance this year.
On this special night, do we engage in the most pressing disagreements between us, or do we decide to focus on family time and the Pesach story? Robbie and Abi share three thoughts and practices to keep our seders in balance this year.
In the shadow of war, how can we contribute to our togetherness without sacrificing reflective education? Abi and Robbie share some thoughts and questions.
In the shadow of war, how can we contribute to our togetherness without sacrificing reflective education? Abi and Robbie share some thoughts and questions.
Robbie delves into why we’re running a campaign to get feedback about our stories and what we’re hoping to learn...
Robbie delves into why we’re running a campaign to get feedback about our stories and what we’re hoping to learn...
Writing has been helping Abi process what we’re living through. Read her insightful reflections on life in wartime Jerusalem.
Writing has been helping Abi process what we’re living through. Read her insightful reflections on life in wartime Jerusalem.
After meeting with survivors, internal refugees, rescuers, teachers, bereaved, and families of hostages, Robbie shares his thoughts and conclusions.
After meeting with survivors, internal refugees, rescuers, teachers, bereaved, and families of hostages, Robbie shares his thoughts and conclusions.
A group of about 20 Jewish educational leaders of American, Canadian, and British organizations came to Israel for 48 hours. They came to see, to hear, and to be with us in Israel. Abi reflects on her experiences over those two days.
A group of about 20 Jewish educational leaders of American, Canadian, and British organizations came to Israel for 48 hours. They came to see, to hear, and to be with us in Israel. Abi reflects on her experiences over those two days.
Is it too early for us to talk openly and broadly about the war? We have been trying to think about how, when, and with whom we might talk about this terrible period. Read our reflections.
Is it too early for us to talk openly and broadly about the war? We have been trying to think about how, when, and with whom we might talk about this terrible period. Read our reflections.
Amid the horror, heartbreak, and devastation of recent weeks, what value is there for those of us advocating and training for healthy arguments? Unfortunately, tragically, drastically, crucial existential arguments are clamoring to be addressed.
Amid the horror, heartbreak, and devastation of recent weeks, what value is there for those of us advocating and training for healthy arguments? Unfortunately, tragically, drastically, crucial existential arguments are clamoring to be addressed.
Abi delves into the significance of expressing both our differences and common ground in our journey toward authentic belonging.
Abi delves into the significance of expressing both our differences and common ground in our journey toward authentic belonging.
Drawing inspiration from the protests sweeping Israel, Robbie offers a fresh approach to online disputes.
Drawing inspiration from the protests sweeping Israel, Robbie offers a fresh approach to online disputes.
While Will Storr targets novelists and other writers to help them construct better stories, Abi read this book as presenting a metaphor for understanding why each of us believes what we believe, and why we fight against what we don’t believe.
While Will Storr targets novelists and other writers to help them construct better stories, Abi read this book as presenting a metaphor for understanding why each of us believes what we believe, and why we fight against what we don’t believe.
Robbie reflects on the development of the social self in the age of social media.
Robbie reflects on the development of the social self in the age of social media.
Introducing a new series of blog posts in which we share what we've been reading as we develop a pedagogy of argument. Our first installment focuses on "Conflicted: How Productive Disagreements Lead to Better Outcomes" by Ian Leslie.
Introducing a new series of blog posts in which we share what we've been reading as we develop a pedagogy of argument. Our first installment focuses on "Conflicted: How Productive Disagreements Lead to Better Outcomes" by Ian Leslie.
In light of deep societal divisions, Abi explores the sacralization of our values and the significance of making space for other ideas and beliefs.
In light of deep societal divisions, Abi explores the sacralization of our values and the significance of making space for other ideas and beliefs.
Robbie examines how we mark Yom Rabin in our schools, and more broadly, how we broach controversial topics related to Israel and why it's important to do so.
Robbie examines how we mark Yom Rabin in our schools, and more broadly, how we broach controversial topics related to Israel and why it's important to do so.
What might it mean when participants in our argument circles remain calm and collected, and when disagreements prompted by our stories are terribly civil? Robbie ponders three possible explanations.
What might it mean when participants in our argument circles remain calm and collected, and when disagreements prompted by our stories are terribly civil? Robbie ponders three possible explanations.
Abi encourages us to invite healthy arguments to our Seder this year and shares two topics from the Passover story to help get us started.
Abi encourages us to invite healthy arguments to our Seder this year and shares two topics from the Passover story to help get us started.
Ukrainians are dying to defend the classic Zionist idea: 'To be a people, free in our land.' But is that no more than foolish 'liberal nationalism'?
Ukrainians are dying to defend the classic Zionist idea: 'To be a people, free in our land.' But is that no more than foolish 'liberal nationalism'?
On this festival of fancy dress, we should contemplate the costume – and the mind-set – of the scientist.
On this festival of fancy dress, we should contemplate the costume – and the mind-set – of the scientist.
There are three kinds of approach to a disagreement: Debate, Negotiation, and Learning. We’re interested in the third.
There are three kinds of approach to a disagreement: Debate, Negotiation, and Learning. We’re interested in the third.
"Let’s be real: we live In a world where an ideological dispute can tear close friends and family apart. We shout. We block. And thus, we become more polarized. Stories for the Sake of Argument changes this paradigm by helping reframe disagreement as something healthy and necessary for learning, growth, and a better world. I love this book and think people of all ages and walks of life should read it."
“For the Sake of Argument demonstrates to participants the value of leaning into, and even embracing, argument rather than shying away from it. Using stories as a jumping-off point, participants learn to direct their emotions and opinions in constructive ways that lead to productive conversations and new understandings. I highly recommend this unique, groundbreaking educational program for Jewish educators everywhere.”
“Understanding why people disagree and learning to do so for the common good is essential for both the healthy development of children and the healthy functioning of democratic societies. Accessible for adults and children alike, Stories for the Sake of Argument offers engaging stories and meaningful discussion questions perfect for kick-starting conversations about how and why people disagree. This book is perfect for families who want to work together to practice arguing with compassion and schools who want to teach children how to engage with one another and with larger questions about how to live in a community in which people argue.”
"This book offers a fresh and brilliantly original approach to some of the thorniest questions that press on Jews and Israelis as they navigate their relationship with each other and the wider world. Rather than avoid conflict and argument, it urges us to embrace it - encouraging families and communities to get it all out in the open. With great empathy and wisdom, Robbie Gringras and Abigail Dauber Sterne urge us not to steer clear of the things that divide us but to thrash them out, face to face, heart to heart - and they do it by telling stories. Stories, questions, arguments: it's a bracing and provocative formula - and could hardly be more Jewish."
“From family tensions to communal and national schisms, Stories for the Sake of Argument offers a wise blueprint for navigating one of the great challenges of our time: how to conduct passionate but respectful disagreements. At a time when democracies are unraveling and fellow citizens increasingly perceive each other as enemies, this book is a gift.”
"This book represents the creative handicraft of two master educators, who use the format of stories and the processing of narratives to help shape more dignified, enduring, respectful and meaningful conversations across differences. This book calls for interactive wrestling and deep engagement. Stories for the Sake of Argument has an important place in homes, classrooms, boardrooms and libraries world-over."
"Everyone tells us to learn from one another, but few teach us how to do it. “Stories” gives us the stories, the questions — the tools we need — to get our own point across and to listen to the other. A vital contribution to a confused world."
“Deepening engagement with Israel requires more substantive debates not more rosy pictures of idyllic Israeli life. These extraordinarily gifted educators accompany readers into intense stories about real questions about justice and equality, the stuff upon which serious, life-long attachments can be built. I can’t wait to use the book to transform polarizing tirades into principled debates that change all of us for good. This is a book progressive Jews have been waiting for!”
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